Wood & Water. 30 Nov webinar
Wood & Water: improving chalk stream habitat with trees. 7pm-8pm Tuesday 30 November 2021.
A recording of this talk is now available here.
Mike Blackmore, Wessex Rivers Trust, will explain why trees are one of the best natural materials available and describe some of the techniques for using them to improve habitat on our chalk streams. It should prove an invaluable talk not only for our Action Group volunteers but anyone interested in what a healthy chalk stream should look like.
Mike has over 10 years’ full-time experience in river restoration design and delivery. This includes projects across Southern England and South Wales, working with various government agencies, NGOs, angling clubs and community groups.
All welcome. To book your place at this FREE webinar go to: http://ow.ly/3nMS50GbWur

This talk is in support of the Remarkable World of Trees exhibition at St Albans Museum 17 Sep – 23 Jan 2022, which was inspired by VVS member Kate Bretherton.