There are four main areas where our members volunteer their time to help monitor and improve the condition of the River Ver. Extra hands are always welcome, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to join in.
VVS Action Group
The most practical volunteering is the work undertaken by our Action Group who are out on the third Saturday of every month improving river habitat, creating dappled shade and clearing obstructions. Read more about it on the Action Group page, where there are details of the next meet-ups and how to participate.
The VVS coordinates a team of Riverfly monitors who sample invertebrate life up and down the river to keep an eye on the water quality and get an early warning of pollution incidents. Read more about this citizen science project and how to join in on our Riverfly page.
Voluntary Bailiffs
We have divided the whole length of the Ver into 12 sections which are patrolled regularly by our team of voluntary bailiffs. They measure the flow in the river, monitor wildlife and vegetation, report on pollution and blockages whether natural or man-made and record the state of the paths of the Ver Valley Trail. There’s more information on the Bailiffs page along with a note of any vacancies.
Water Monitors
In 2022 a new team of volunteer Water Monitors began sampling 10 sites on the Ver. We are signed up to the FreshWater Watch programme and undertake a simple turbidity test and check nitrate and phosphate levels in the river. High levels of these chemicals have an adverse effect on the delicate chalk stream ecology. Identifying their source and planning remedies should help improve water quality. The team monitors 4 times a year. If you’d like to join them, please get in touch. There’s more information on the Water Monitoring page.