Ver Valley Bird List

Birds seen along the Ver Valley since 2000.

Please contact John Fisher if you have any interesting bird sightings. Please email or call 01582 792843.

Common Birds Seen All Year

Barn OwlCommonAll YearYes 
BlackbirdCommonAll YearYes 
Black-headed GullCommonAll Year  
Blue TitCommonAll YearYes 
BullfinchCommonAll YearYes 
BuzzardCommonAll YearYes 
Canada GooseCommonAll YearYes 
Carrion CrowCommonAll YearYes 
ChaffinchCommonAll YearYes 
Coal TitCommonAll YearYes 
Collar DoveCommonAll YearYes 
Common GullCommonAll Year  
CootCommonAll YearYes 
CormorantCommonAll YearYes 
DunnockCommonAll YearYes 
Feral/Rock PigeonCommonAll YearYes 
GadwallCommonAll YearYes 
Gold CrestCommonAll YearYes 
GoldfinchCommonAll YearYes 
Great Crested GrebeCommonAll YearYes 
Great Spotted WoodpeckerCommonAll YearYes 
Great TitCommonAll YearYes 
Green WoodpeckerCommonAll YearYes 
GreenfinchCommonAll YearYes 
Grey HeronCommonAll YearYesBreeding colony at lake
Grey PartridgeCommonAll YearYesDeclining breeding species
Grey WagtailCommonAll YearYes 
Greylag GooseCommonAll YearYes 
Herring GullCommonAll Year  
House SparrowCommonAll YearYes 
JackdawCommonAll YearYes 
JayCommonAll YearYes 
KestrelCommonAll YearYes 
KingfisherCommonAll YearYes 
LapwingCommonAll YearYesPassage and breeding bird
Lesser Black-backed GullCommonAll Year  
LinnetCommonAll YearYes 
Little EgretCommonAll YearYesBreeding at lake since 2014
Little GrebeCommonAll YearYes 
Little OwlCommonAll YearYes 
Long-tailed TitCommonAll YearYes 
MagpieCommonAll YearYes 
MallardCommonAll YearYes 
Meadow PipitCommonAll Year Mainly passage only
Mistle ThrushCommonAll YearYes 
MoorhenCommonAll YearYes 
Mute SwanCommonAll YearYes 
NuthatchCommonAll YearYes 
PheasantCommonAll YearYesIntroduced species bred for shooting
Pied WagtailCommonAll YearYes 
Red KiteCommonAll YearYesSeen regularly since 2006
Red-legged PartridgeCommonAll YearYesIntroduced species bred for shooting
Reed BuntingCommonAll YearYes 
RobinCommonAll YearYes 
RookCommonAll YearYes 
SkylarkCommonAll YearYes 
Song ThrushCommonAll YearYes 
Sparrow HawkCommonAll YearYes 
StarlingCommonAll YearYes 
Stock DoveCommonAll YearYes 
Tawny OwlCommonAll YearYes 
TreecreeperCommonAll YearYes 
Wood PigeonCommonAll YearYes 
WrenCommonAll YearYes 
YellowhammerCommonAll YearYes 

Rarer Birds Seen All Year

Black RedstartVery RareVagrant Passage only
Bohemian WaxwingRareVagrant Influx some winters
BramblingVery RareWinter Visitor Good numbers some winters
Common SandpiperVery RareVagrant Passage only
Common TernRareVagrant Passage only
Corn BuntingVery RareAll Year  
CraneVery RareVagrant 5 birds flew over in 2005
CrossbillVery RareWinter Visitor  
DunlinVery RareVagrant 6 seen 2001
FirecrestVery RareVagrant  
GoshawkVery RareAll YearPossible 
Grasshopper WarblerVery RareVagrant Passage only – did breed previously
Great Black-backed GullRareVagrant Passage only
Jack SnipeVery RareVagrant Passage only
Lesser Spotted WoodpeckerVery RareAll Year Declining breeding species
Little Ringed PloverVery RareVagrantYesBred in 2001 and 2009
Marsh HarrierVery RareVagrant 1 seen 2001
Marsh TitRareAll Year  
MerlinVery RareVagrant Female present for few days in Nov 2008
OspreyVery RareVagrant 1 seen Sept 2009 – Park Street / 1 seen Redbournbury Aug 2015
PeregrineVery RareVagrant Passage only
PintailVery RareVagrant  
RavenVery RareAll YearYesNow breeding
RedshankVery RareVagrant Passage only
RedstartVery RareVagrant Passage only
Ring OuzelVery RareVagrant Male on passage in April 2007
Ring-necked ParakeetRareVagrant Introduced species spreading through home counties
Ringed PloverVery RareVagrant  
Ruddy ShelduckRareVagrant 1 seen 2009
Short-eared OwlVery RareWinter Visitor 1 seen in the 2015/16 winter
Spotted FlycatcherVery RareSummer VisitorYesBreeds most years
Tree SparrowRareVagrantYesBreeding colony nearby
Tutle DoveVery RareVagrant Passage only – did breed previously
WheatearRareVagrant Passage only
WhinchatRareVagrant Passage only
Wood WarblerVery RareVagrant Passage only – seen 2006
WoodcockVery RareVagrant Passage only

Birds Seen Mainly During Winter Months

Common RedpollRareWinter Visitor Good numbers some winters
FieldfareCommonWinter Visitor  
Golden PloverCommonWinter Visitor Passage only
Green SandpiperRareWinter Visitor  
GreenshankRareWinter Visitor Passage only
PochardCommonWinter Visitor  
RedwingCommonWinter Visitor  
Ruddy DuckCommonWinter Visitor  
ShovelerCommonWinter Visitor  
SiskinRareWinter Visitor Good numbers some winters
SnipeCommonWinter Visitor Previously breeding species
StonechatRareWinter Visitor Over winters most years
TealCommonWinter Visitor  
Water RailRareWinter Visitor  
WigeonRareWinter Visitor  

Birds Seen Mainly During Summer Months

BlackcapCommonSummer VisitorYes 
ChiffchaffCommonSummer VisitorYes 
CuckooCommonSummer VisitorYesDeclining breeding species
Garden WarblerCommonSummer VisitorYes 
HobbyCommonSummer VisitorSome yearsSeen mainly on passage
House MartinCommonSummer VisitorYes 
Lesser WhitethroatCommonSummer VisitorYes 
Reed WarblerCommonSummer VisitorYes 
Sand MartinRareSummer Visitor Passage only
Sedge WarblerCommonSummer VisitorYes 
SwallowCommonSummer VisitorYes 
SwiftCommonSummer VisitorYes 
WhitethroatCommonSummer VisitorYes 
Willow WarblerCommonSummer VisitorYes 
Yellow WagtailRareSummer Visitor Breeding some years
Ver Valley Society