Sat 14th October 2023 – Richard runs the Ver!
Spurred on by the recent Rivers Week and the less than perfect state of the River Ver, Richard Witter and his friends are planning a sponsored run along the whole 17 miles of the Ver. What’s more, they have kindly agreed to donate the funds they raise to the Ver Valley Society, to help us give our chalk stream a better future.
We intend to use any money Richard and his friends raise to improve our water quality monitoring. We’ll be providing our volunteers with better kit, regular consumables and use it to pay for analysis of the road runoff that enters the river and the silt that smothers many stretches of the Ver and its tributary, the Red. There’s no doubt that the road runoff plays a big part in the less that perfect quality of water that enters the Ver, especially when it rains and it would be useful to better understand what’s going on.
The Society is thrilled that Richard has chosen to support us as a local good cause. We are expecting to cheer his team on their way on the 14th and hope you might do likewise. A timetable for the run is below, so that you can look out for the runners. If you’d like to make a donation too of course, we would be delighted! Please donate at:
9:00am – leave St Mary the Virgin Church, Kensworth
9:20 – 9:30 – passing through Markyate
10:00 – 10:15 – Redbourn High Street
10:40 – 11:00 – Verulamium Park
11:00 – 11:30 – Park Street
11:20 – 12:00 – Finish at the confluence, Smug Oak Lane