We’re on St Peter’s Street!
Sunday 19th May 2019 11am – 5pm St Albans Market Takeover
Come and visit our stall at the Sustainable St Albans Festival. We’re part of a great collection of environmentally friendly/sustainable community groups, charities, commercial companies and more who are having a fun day out with a serious purpose.
We have stall A16 near Metro Bank on St Peter’s Street and the stalls stretch all the way to the Town Hall. Come and discuss the state of the River Ver and how we can improve it. Learn about what our Action Group work parties get up to or ask about the best spots to enjoy the river and the wildlife that lives in the Ver Valley.
The Market Takeover is all about how St Albans & Harpenden residents can reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably. There will be a huge display of electric vehicles, electric bikes and pedal bikes. Local groups and other stalls that promote sustainability will be there and the focus will be on the five main things we can all change to make a difference: flying, personal transport, home energy, food and the stuff we buy.
Come along with the family, enjoy the food, live music and fun and change your life to make our district sustainable for the next generation