Mayfly Walks. 23, 26 & 30 May
Join us for an evening Mayfly walk as part of SustFest21 when you should get the chance to see the enigmatic mayfly dancing in clouds along the #RiverVer.
The Sunday 23rd Walk has been moved to Friday 28th May to better catch the Mayfly and avoid the rain… but bring your rain jackets – possible heavy showers now forecast!
To make the most of the spectacle we’re running 3 walks on the Ver, just south of St Albans near Bricket Wood. Update: We will now be in groups of 12 which is well below the present 30 COVID limit and allows for safe socially distanced viewing of small insects! The walks are FREE to all, although we would ask non-members to consider joining the Society (£8 per annum). Unfortunately no unaccompanied U18s allowed.
If you are coming on one of the walks, please read our walk guidelines and reminder of COVID restrictions.
We’ll be meeting at Riverside Way Car Park, near St Albans AL2 3TX.
Sunday 23 May: Now Friday 28 May 6-8pm: Join walk leader John Pritchard who’ll introduce you to the Ver’s precious mayfly, spot brown trout and add a little fishing history to put the mayfly’s reputation in perspective. Email to reserve your place.
Wednesday 26 May Now Monday 31 May 5.30-8pm: Fully Booked. Join walk leader Melanie Woods who’s an avid photographer, and will not only give you an interesting insight into the mayfly’s evening antics but also include a few tips on getting the best mayfly shots. Email to reserve your place.
Sunday 30 May 6-8pm: Fully Booked. Join walk leader Peter White who’s one of the Society members monitoring the health of the Ver through its insect population. Expect to hear about the mayfly and the other invertebrates to be found in the Ver. Email to reserve your place.
Our Risk Assessment is here should you wish to read it.
Mayfly spend a year or two living as a nymph in the Ver before hatching on a warm day in May or early June. Famously they live for just a day as an adult fly (over 2cm in length plus 3 long tails) before laying their eggs in the river to create the next generation. The ‘hatch’ usually lasts about a fortnight but exactly which two weeks is one of nature’s guessing games. That means our walks will be flexible and if necessary, we’ll roll over the dates to coincide with the hatch and the sort of warm evening that’ll deliver the best display.