Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 23rd February at 7pm

Having postponed the AGM in October the most practical way to proceed is to hold an online meeting to review the past year and fulfil the constitutional obligations of the Society. If you wish to attend the AGM, please register in advance using this link to ensure admission:
The evening will feature reports from the Chairman and Officers with plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. There will be no guest speaker spot. The Agenda and past Minutes will be included in members’ newsletters which will be sent out in early February. meeting is open to all but only members may vote.
As per the Society’s constitution “at each Annual General Meeting the officers and Executive Committee shall retire but may be eligible for re-election.” The Secretary and Bailiff Co-ordinator are retiring from the Committee. All other Committee members are willing to stand for a further year. Any nominations for Chairman or Committee are invited. These should reach the Secretary, John Fisher, by Tuesday 16th February. Proposer and seconders will be required.